How you add a category

Categories can hold different metadata structure, sometimes you might find it beneficial to add a category to get the right metadata for your assets.

QBank has a dynamic metadata structure where the assets are divided into different categories. Examples of good category names are “Images”, “Videos”, “Documents”, “Brand Material”, Graphic Elements, Marketing Collateral and so on. Try to keep them as general as possible.

NOTE: For administrators only.

Follow these steps to add a category

  1. Navigate to the Administration tab in the upper right corner of your QBank
  2. Click on Categories
  3. Click on Add new
  4. Name you new Category
  5. Describe the Category if needed
  6. Link the Category to Media Object Type (the property sets you like to add to you Category)

    Create category

Now it is time to set access to your Category. Access given to the asset is based on the access on this categories. 

How you set the right accesses for the Categories:

  1. Click on the access tab within the category
  2. Add user or group access to you category
  3. Set specific access (Add media, View, Update etc)
  4. Create

Set access on category