How you activate stronger password requiremetns in QBank.

When your QBank is set up it only comes with a requirement of minimum length on account passwords. However one can activate a password functionality supporting common password requirements

QBank offers a possibility to use a strong Password Policy by activating this in your QBank. 

Before you activate the password policy, learn what possibilities we can offer and build your policy around these.
When you have a policy in place follow these steps to activate this functionality for your users. 

  1. Click Administrator Tab in your top right corner
  2. Under Accounts in the left menu click Security


    NOTE: If this option is not visible in your QBank, please contact QBank support for further help to activate the option.

  3. To activate and configure the Password Policy Click Password Policy.

    TIP: Did you get curios about the other options learn more about Value reduct and IP Whitelist here

  4. Configure the options shown to best fit your organisations policy, when you´re done don't forget to check the activate checkbox and press save. 

NOTE: When the Password policy is activated it will be activated for all new users and when an old user changes the password.