How to work with filters in QBank

Is your search giving you too many options? You can refine your search by adding filters.

When you click on the filters button you can be more specific in your media search, add properties, search by dates and users or type of usage. After each filter you add, click on add filter. When you have chosen the filters you want, click on apply filters to do the search.

You can also save a set of applied filters (as many as you want). You can reach the saved set of searches in the folder section to the left (the saved folders are marked with a search symbol).

By creating filters you can combine the power of freetext search with any available metadata field, both user-created and automatically extracted technical metadata such as file size, file formats etc. 

How you add a filter

To create a new filter, click the "Filters" button. In the example below, we filter out any PNG asset with a file size greater than 1MBRead more about the different types of operators available here.


How to save a filter for later use

If you want to be able to re-use a filter definition, click the Save icon. Your filter will appear in the left pane as a virtual folder marked  

Modifying an existing filter

You can modify the filter settings on a saved filter by right clicking on it in the left pane and selecting the Edit option. 

tips when searching on filenames and titels

Filename and title filters are limited to finding direct matches, and doesn't have the operator selection available. As a compensation for not being able ot select an operator, you can instead use percent signs to indicate if you're looking for filenames or titles that contain a certain value.

An example media with the title "Amazing title" could be found using any of the following queries;

  1. "amazing%"; will match because it looks for any media with a title starting with "amazing"
  2. "%title"; will also match, because it looks for any title ending with title.
  3. "%zing%"; will match, because it looks for any media where "zing" is present somewhere in the title