How to create a new Consent Person

The people you want to connect consent for a digital asset need to be created within QBank as so called Consent person. These can later be connected to a legal term and get tagged in a digital asset.

How you create a new consent person

There are 3 ways to create new consent person for the consent:

  1. You can add a new person from the Admin page - Consent --> People
  2. You can add one of already existing QBank users from their User profile under the admin Page
  3. Send the upload consent using QR code link functionality.

NOTE: You need to be an administrator to be able to manage following parts of the consent feature. 


How to create a new consent person from the Admin page - Consent --> People

  1. Visit the Administrator Tab --> Consent --> People 
    Screenshot 2022-12-28 at 14.12.13
  2. Click the link “Add new”,
    Screenshot 2022-12-28 at 14.13.15
  3. Fill in person details (Name*, Email* and Phone)  
  4. Click the button “Create”.
    Screenshot 2022-12-28 at 14.12.33

How to create consent person from already existing QBank user

  1. Visit the Administrator Tab --> Account --> Users 
    Screenshot 2022-12-28 at 14.16.53
  2. Search for the user for whom you would like to create a consent person an click that person
  3. In the bottom of the profile click create consent person
    Screenshot 2022-12-28 at 14.18.54

Create a new consent person via the QR code link functionality

You can also create a new consent person via the QR code link functionality. This article explains how the QR functionality works.