Summary of June releases

In June, we focused on improving our QMO and access management functionalities, while continuing to address bug fixes and overall system performance.

QMO Enhancements

This month, we have added new capabilities to the QMO feature, making it more versatile and user-friendly:

  • Resize and Crop: Users can now resize and crop images within the same URL, streamlining the editing process.UI enhancements in the system
  • Focal Point: Users now have the option to utilize the QBank focal point when cropping assets within the QMO feature.

Access Management Improvements

Enhancements in access management provide more flexibility and control over asset permissions:

  • Category-based Access Settings: When changing the category of one or multiple assets, users can choose to either retain the existing access settings or update them according to the new category.

User Management Enhancement

We have made a significant improvement in user management, particularly for administrators:

  • User Type Specification: As an administrator, you can now specify the user type when importing users via an Excel file. This allows for better categorization and management of users based on their roles within the system.

More detailed release notes can be found here:

We have also done some general bug Fixes

We have addressed several issues reported by our users to improve the system's reliability:

  • QD-5535: Resolved an issue preventing the upload of larger video files to Wistia.
  • QD-5522: Fixed an issue where the Search API was returning duplicate results.
  • QD-5518: Corrected incorrect numbers being returned by the filterCount API endpoint.
  • QD-5194: Fixed an issue where the upload progress bar was offset when the dialog was hidden.

Upcoming Features: What to Expect in our Future Releases

We are excited to share some of the upcoming features and enhancements we are working on:

  • Freetext Search Improvements: Enhancements to our freetext search capabilities are underway, with a focus on improving accuracy and performance. This update is expected to be released soon.
  • QMO Development: Further advancements in QMO are in progress, including the introduction of new video features to enhance media management capabilities. Additionally, we are exploring the development of a new Video Player to facilitate streaming of videos through the QMO.
  • Bulk Access Edit: Implementation of bulk access edit functionality, allowing for more efficient management of access permissions across multiple assets.

Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements as we continue to improve QBank, ensuring it remains the go-to solution for digital asset management.