Summary of January releases

The year has begun with great enhancements to QBank, including a major update to our Office Connector. In the following section, we will outline the improvements that have been made together with some general enhancements in the tool.

We are happy to introduce an improved Office connector

We are finally launching our new Office Connector, the new connector comes with some great enhancements:

  • The connector now also supports Mac desktop and the web application for Office 365, enabling the entire organization to have immediate access to approved images and templates directly within their Office applications.
  • We have implemented several improvements to the connector's user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). One thing worth mentioning is the addition of an improved thumbnail view, along with a list view, to enhance the visualization of the available assets in the connector.
  • The connector has been updated to improve how it selects what is available. With the new Version 2 Connector window, users now have more customization options to determine what is accessible to different individuals. 

If you are interested in getting a demo of the updated connector to see the changes, contact your account manager. 

We continue to enhance our consent feature

The consent feature continues to be a top priority for us this year, and January has brought even more enhancements:

  • Now, users have the ability to personalize the Title and checkbox text on their Legal terms. This allows for increased flexibility in utilizing the Legal Terms according to individual preferences.

We have released one more type of Image templates

  • Based on a request from a QBank customer, we have implemented a new feature that allows users to create templates for SVG files. This means that users can now download SVG templates directly from QBank. Please note, however, that you can only create SVG files from existing SVG files. Nevertheless, this feature can significantly enhance efficiency, especially when working with icons in various colors and formats.

We have also improved our API 

  • As part of our latest release, we have made enhancements to our API. These improvements now allow for the inclusion of the "Uploaded by" call in our API. This particular function was requested by our users in order to further enhance the overall functionality.

What´s up next? 

Yes lets also add a section of What´s up next, meaning what interesting improvements are coming in one of the upcoming sprints:

  • We are working on releasing an updated Indesign 2024 connector that will be available in coming releases. 
  • In our next phase of consent improvements, we are excited to announce that we will soon be introducing the option to use "paper consent" as a part of the consent process. This will allow you to seamlessly integrate traditional paper-based consent with digital processes until you are ready to fully digitize the entire process.
  • Release Notes will also soon be available. Starting from January, we have started to collect release notes for our releases. These release notes will include the stories that were delivered during the last release, together with any bugs that might have been resolved during the sprint. We plan to enable the release notes in your QBank in the Dashboard as a Widget - Release notes. If you are interested in getting the latest release notes before that, contact our support.