I can't login to QBank

Are you having trouble signing in to QBank? Don't panic!

Reset your password

To reset your password, click on the "Forgot password?" and enter your username in the shown field. When you then click the "Reset" button, an email will be sent to your registered address with instructions on how to choose a new password. The emails instructions will only be valid for 24 hours. So if you aren't able to choose a new password during that time, you will have to start over.


If you can't remember your username, contact your local QBank administrator. They have the tools to find out what your username is. They can also reset your password manually if needed. If they are unable to find out your username or reset your password, they can always ask the QBank support for help.

Missing permissions

Are you able to log in, but can't see any content? Are you greeted with the message that you don't have permission to view this tab? This is an indication that the administrator that created your account forgot to add you to any group. Permissions in Qbank is almost always managed via groups. That means that if you aren't member of any group, you don't have access to anything. To resolve this issue, contact your local administrator and ask them to correct you group memberships.


IMPORTANT: If your login is handled through SSO, Single sign on. First hand contact your own IT to secure you have the right AD groups connected to your account.