How to remove the duplicate warning

The duplicate warning is a default feature in QBank, but there are times when you might want to unmark a duplicate. This article describes how that can be done.

NOTE: Even if you unmark an asset as duplicate QBank still recognize the asset as a duplicate. 

Step-by-step guide how you can hide the duplicate Warning in QBank:

  1. Find a duplicate by clicking the triangle in the Library or by searching for duplicates through filtering (Read how: How to find duplicates with filters)
  2. Open the detail view on the duplicate you would like to hide, by clicking the asset.
  3. Click the "More" button in the asset top menu
  4. Choose "Hide Duplicate warning"
  5. Press Confirm

WARNING: Once you unmark a duplicate it can't be reversed.   

If you don't see this function when following the steps below, your user is missing a role. Please contact Support for further help activation the function. 

Description of the step by step can also be found in this video: